February is approaching, and that means it will be time to start garden seedlings shortly. If you’re itching to get your hands in the dirt already, you should look to add to your indoor collection.

And if you’re going to spend efforts on plants indoors, they should give a little something back (other than improving air quality).

The majority of this information is from one of my favourite books, Backyard Pharmacy, by Elizabeth Milnard. this is a great read if you are just getting into the world of growing food.

Aloe Vera

Use it to treat burns, create Aloe Water, or use it to help propagate other plants! This is a great cacti to grow, but make sure you keep large pots on hand to re-pot him every year.

Because this is a cactus, make sure you putting in well draining cactus soil. Don’t over water, and if you notice it going redish-brown in some areas, it may be getting sun-burnt!


Everyone’s favourite pizza topping is also packed with health benefits. Basil is anti-bacterial, so it’s great in toothpaste or mouth wash. And chewing leaves is known to help with toothaches.

Basil tea, made simply by steeping leaves in hot water is a common remedy for lowering fevers, alleviating headaches, insomnia, and menstrual cramping. the plant is rich in antioxidants, and has been shown to reduce swelling in 24 hours after treatment.

Holy basil is the most frequently studied and potent medicinal variety. This delicious medicinal plant is easy to grow in warm, sunny windowsills. They love high temperatures and you should allow the soil to dry out pretty far between watering. Prune basil regularly for a properly bushy plant, and if you have extra on hand, it’s easy to water propagate.


This hearty flower became a favourite of mine in summer 21 because of its beautiful blooms that last after the first few frosts of the season. It creates a ton of seeds, so dry some of the heads and spread these little yellow lovelies wherever!

Commonly referred to as pot marigold or garden marigold, they are a very different bloom to french marigold. This medicinal flower is great for wound care, bruises, diaper rash, and dry skin. It helps by increasing blood flow and oxygen to affected areas, helping speed new tissue growth.

Compresses soaked in tea made from the petals has been known to relieve minor burns, insect bites, bee stings, and cuts.

Calendula can go in any soil type, and its best not to fertilize them at all. This makes them great options for the gardener who likes to plant it and forget. Just don’t let them get to dry and prune the fresh blooms all season long for a large crop from a relatively small area.


Another great medicinal plant to grow in a sunny windowsill, keep them pruned short so they flower frequently without outgrowing their home. They do well in all types of soil, so don’t use your premium vegetable compost. Make sure their soil is well draining and the pot is at least 6″ deep.

They are a great companion plant, as they repel aphids and cucumber beetles. (I have suspicions that they would make a great living mulch)

The tea is famous for its relaxing properties, often used to help with insomnia. But in a bath it can also be helpful for easing symptoms of respiratory issues.

Lemon Balm

Calming, fragrant, and does well in small pots, Lemon balm is a great plant to grow indoors that will add to your home apothecary. Related to the mint family, they do well started best in sunny windowsills with frequent watering. This delicious and medical herb like loose, well draining soil, and can use a little bone meal every once in a while. make sure to re-pot often and keep the roots well covered.

Known as a general cure-all, the delicious herb is often found in teas and ice creams. But its been shown to have calming effects and help with menopause-induced insomnia. The herb has also been well studied for children for its calming qualities.


The original marshmallows were made with the root of a flower that loves to grow in the marshes. They were also degestifs. This cute pink-white flower is pretty hardy and grows well in containers (start small and upgrade to a 12″ pot).

It’s originally from the middle east, and was used 2000 years ago as a poultice. But, it’s known to help with asthma, emphysema, bronchial infections, coughs, sore throats, and lung congestion; inflamed kidneys and urinary tract disorders; and gastrointestinal disturbances including Crohn’s disease, ulcers, colitis, diarrhea, dysentery, and stomach irritation.

The only drawback to this medicinal plant is its growing time. You should wait until your plant is in its second or third year and chop small chunks of the root from the outside.


An aggressive grower, this popular plant makes a great tea for quelling nausea. Because it grows so aggressively, even if it is in an outdoor garden, its best to keep it in a submerged pot to stop it from killing its neighbours. If you do plant it out, its known to be beneficial to tomatoes, cabbage, peas, beets, broccoli, kale, and kohlrabi.

the oil found in the leaves has anti-bacterial properties, so its great in treating a range of diseases, and has also shown anti-fungal properties. Drinking the tea regularly has also shown to help with bladder pain issues, and in a bath it can help wake you up.


Oil of oregano may be one of the most popular home cold remedies still active to this day. While essential oil is the most potent form for any medicinal needs, the fresh plant can be used in so much more than tinctures and poultices.

Tea made from the leaves has been known to help with fatigue, IBS, and bacterial infections. But the benefits aren’t just limited to humans. Adding oil to pet shampoos can help kill fleas and act as an anti-bacterial topical for sores.

Plant on a sunny window sill with well draining soil. Re-pot regularly with fresh soil to ensure regular growth, as the plant hates compacted soils. Harvest frequently for a happy, bushy plant, and keep it pruned well for proper air-flow.

oregano, great plant for making medicinal teas


This perennial lives to be quite old when taken care of well, so buy it a big pot and enjoy a fragrant medical plant in your indoor jungle. the plant lives for just around 30 years, and grows well with basil and sage.

If you do plant it outside, it makes beautiful hedges as it can get up to 1 meter high and is salt tolerant. Soil should be slightly alkaline (6-7) for this plant to thrive. Plant in a pot with loose, well draining soil for best results.

Teas are great for calming nerves and stimulating appetites, and as a marinade in food, can help with indigestion. It’s also been used for a long time as a hair rinse to help treat dandruff.

rosemary bush. easy medicinal plant to grow that lasts 30 years


This delicious herb is hearty and produces a ton. So learn how to dry herbs, and store them for lots of good uses. Maybe one of its oldest uses, keeping it under your pillow has been used to fight fatigue and depression since the medieval times.

Tea made from dried leaves has been used to treat coughs and colds, as it helps soothe sore throats. Enjoy on its own or mixed with a little peppermint. the tea has also been known to help with headaches.

As a topical, thyme is antimicrobial and antibacterial. Great for cuts and scrapes, it can also be used in conjunction with ingesting it to help reduce inflammation.

thyme bush, easy medicinal plants to grow indoors